Inspection by Green Tribunal

The National Green Tribunal constituted a joint committee to inspect the hospitals whether the hospitals are complying with the Bio Medical Waste Rules or not. If the committee finds irregularities it may pass orders to launch prosecution against Hospitals, well as against the Hospital Authorities.
Therefore all are advised to take necessary steps complying with the Bio medical Waste Rules in true letter and spirit.

Suggestions for MedLEaPR software

The Hon'ble Punjab and Haryana High Court vide order dated 06.11.2012 has directed to consider modification in the software after a period of 6 months namely in June 2013.
You may be facing some problems in preparing the MLR/PMR by this software. You can send suggestions regarding improvement/modification in MedLEaPR software, latest by 10th of June, 2013, through email, to drrajeshkhyalia@yahoo.com, so that all the suggestions can be examined, compiled, approved and may be sent to NIC Haryana for incorporating changes in the software.


Your kind attention is directed to following clauses of the PG policy issued on 23-12-2011:
Clause No III – The applicant Doctors should have completed 4 years of the service on the last date of application given in the prospectus.
Clause No VII (ii) – The upper age limit for PG Diploma/P.G. Degree/Super Specialization will be 45 years on 31st March of the admission year.
The last date of the application form varies from year to year depending on the examination schedule for each year.
The association had represented to the Government to fix 31st March of the admission year as the reckoning date for calculation of the length of the qualifying service, as is the case for calculation of age.
Accordingly, the Government has agreed to the proposal and a notification to this effect has been issued and can be accessed by the link given below.
We are hopeful that this notification will help the Doctors plan their careers in a better way.
Also, the Government has notified 31st March of each year as the last date for applying for NOC.
Since this notification has been released quite late, the association will urge the Government to grant extension in the last date for submission of application for grant NOC for this academic session so that the interested candidates may apply for grant of NOC.